
The vehicle wrap you choose to put on your food truck can make or break your business. It should serve as a moving billboard that champions your brand, stands out from the competition, and instantly attracts business to your truck when you set up shop somewhere. There are a few key aspects you should know as you design your wrap so it accomplishes the purpose you hope it will.

A Guide to Designing a Food Truck Wrap

What Information to Include

When people look at your vehicle wrap, they should instantly know what type of food you sell and how to get in touch with you. Include your logo and the name of your truck in large letters so it can be read from a distance – this should take up much of the space on the vehicle wrap. Your branding should be visible from every angle of the truck: both sides, the front, and the back.

Include your contact information in smaller text on the side of the truck that people will approach to buy food. This could include your company website, phone number, email address, and social media accounts. If you have a hashtag you’d like people to use when they post, include this as well.

The Best Design Practices to Use

Tvehicle wraphe entire truck should be bold – this will catch people’s eye as they drive by on their commute or help you stand out from the competition when there are other trucks around. Cheerful colors, such as yellow, red, or green, are popular and effective.

Choose a color that reflects your brand; for example, if your truck sells healthy and fresh food, green is the best color to show it. Feel free to get creative! For example, if you want to create a “social media moment,” you can design an attractive back to your truck that reflects your brand. Your customers can take a photo in front of it and post it while tagging you or using your hashtag.


Using a professional printer and installer will ensure you get a high-quality result that puts the best foot forward for your business. Winning Edge Graphics specializes in custom vehicle graphics that stand out. Their experienced design team in Alexandria, MN, can help you create the perfect vehicle wrap and expertly install the vinyl graphics. Request a quote online or at (320) 763-7953 for your custom car decals.
