
Winter is known for wreaking havoc on your skin. While treatments like chemical face peels rejuvenate dry skin, myths regarding cold weather and its impact on your skin can get in the way of your efforts. Fortunately, the following information dispels these common myths so you can look beautiful all year long.

3 Winter Skin Care Myths Debunked

1. Water Alone Reverses the Effect of Winter

chemical face peelIt’s true that being properly hydrated will make your skin look better. However, drinking excessive water to offset the negative effects of cold winter air isn’t likely to make a significant impact. Instead, drink a reasonable amount of water, moisturize as needed, and look for treatments to combat dry, flaky skin. A chemical face peel can slough away the dead outer layer of skin.

2. Sunscreen Isn’t Necessary During Winter

Skin protection is a must all year, no matter what the season is. Even though the sun rays may be a bit weaker during the winter months, you’ll still experience the negative effects. Additionally, in areas with a lot of snow, you’ll also have to contend with sun glare, which can cause damage as well. Protect yourself by using a broad-spectrum SPF of at least 30 no matter what time of year it is.

3. Thicker Lotion Is Always Better

When it comes to lotion, ingredients are more important than thickness. Accordingly, don’t assume that thicker lotions will offer increased protection. Look for ingredients like lactic or alpha hydroxy acid, which can lock in moisture and exfoliate skin respectively. Also, feel free to apply lighter formulas liberally throughout the day. That way, you can get the protection you need while also remaining comfortable.



Winters can be rough on your skin, but Lauren A. Daman, MD, PC in Hartford, CT, can help you achieve clean and smooth skin. Along with chemical face peels, she also provides Botox® to reduce the signs of aging, collagen injections, sclerotherapy, and microdermabrasion. She can also offer tips on how to best protect your skin against harsh winter weather. Schedule a chemical face peel or other treatment by calling (860) 246-3533. If you’d like more information on the full listing of services, please visit the website.
