
One of the most challenging parts of being a parent is watching your child struggle. While solving problems and overcoming challenges is an important part of life, there are certain issues your child can’t conquer on their own. This includes learning disabilities and mental and behavioral issues that can affect their ability to learn. Here are four such problems you should be aware of. 

4 Mental & Behavioral Issues That Affect Kids in School


Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder affects between 5% and 11% of kids and teens and is more often diagnosed in boys than girls. Although most kids go through phases of restlessness and hyperactivity, ADHD is a behavioral issue diagnosed in those who exhibit multiple symptoms for a prolonged period. This includes the inability to focus, hyperactivity, impulsive behaviors, inattentiveness, and aggression. It can make it difficult for children to pay attention and stay on task in school, work with others, and retain information. 

2. Dyslexia

behavioral issuesDyslexia refers to many learning difficulties which affect a person’s ability to read, write, and spell. It can also affect a person’s ability to speak properly. Like most learning disorders, dyslexia is not linked to intelligence, although this is a common misconception. People who are dyslexic have trouble connecting letters with the sounds they make and reading letters in the proper sequence.

3. Anxiety

People with anxiety struggle with pervasive, intense, persistent anxious thoughts to the extent that it affects their daily life. There are different types of anxiety disorders, including obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety, and generalized anxiety disorder. Children with such disorders may have trouble concentrating and completing specific tasks. It can also make socialization difficult.

4. Depression

More than sadness, depression is not singularly caused by a particular situation, such as the loss of a loved one. It’s a mental health condition that’s often a result of imbalanced brain chemistry. In addition to symptoms like pervasive or intrusive negative thoughts, low self-esteem or self-confidence, and sadness, people may experience physical symptoms such as extreme fatigue or difficulty sleeping, muteness, pain, and heaviness in the limbs. Symptoms can affect children’s concentration, confidence, and participation in school, among other things. 


If your child is having trouble in school, talk to your pediatrician to determine if a mental or behavioral health issue may be an underlying cause. Kids with behavioral health issues are not bad kids or less intelligent than their peers, they simply need additional support and individualized care. If you’re a Grayson County, KY, resident, turn to Leitchfield Pediatrics. For years, they’ve been the community’s go-to pediatric provider, offering compassionate, experienced care for a range of concerns. Call (270) 259-5641 to schedule an appointment or visit the website to learn more about their services. 
