
Deciding to end a marriage is never easy; but when children are involved, the emotional toll it takes increases. It’s normal for kids to experience a range of feelings, from confusion and guilt to anger and sadness. Every child will deal with the situation in their own way and heal in their own time. However, there are several things parents can do to make the transition a bit easier. If you have considered meeting with a divorce attorney and are concerned with your child’s reaction, here are a few ways to help them cope during this difficult time.

How to Help Your Child Adjust to Divorce 

1. Be Mindful of How You Tell Them 

How you break the news about your impending divorce will set the foundation for your child’s response to such a life-altering event. The way the conversation is carried out will depend on your child’s age and ability to understand what’s going on. However, regardless of how old they are, it’s best if they are told by both parents in a loving and reassuring manner. It’s essential to emphasize that the divorce isn’t their fault, and you should be as open and honest as possible without going into too much detail about why you’ve decided to go your separate ways.

2. Stay Civil With Your Ex 

Children need stability and consistency, so it’s vital that you and your ex are able to co-parent effectively no matter what your feelings toward one another may be. Conflict is upsetting to kids who are already stressed and in a fragile state. Arguing in front of your child can make them feel like they have to choose sides or lead them to believe they are losing one parent. Not only can this result in emotional and behavioral problems, but divorce attorneys warn that it can also negatively affect a custody case. Make a conscious effort not to discuss problems when your child is around, and never badmouth the other parent to them.

3. Get Professional Help if Necessary 

divorce attorneyShould you find that your child is withdrawn, acting out, or letting their grades slip, you may consider getting them professional help. A child psychologist, therapist, or counselor can provide the support your child needs to get through the divorce healthily. They present someone neutral to confide in and can offer strategies for getting kids to express their feelings and work through them. 


Making sure your child is adjusting well to this new life chapter should be your top priority. When you work with a divorce attorney from Pater, Pater & Halverson, you can trust them to protect your rights and interests while you focus on meeting your child’s needs. Since 1889, residents in and around Hamilton, OH, have been relying on the legal team at this firm to guide them through the divorce process and help make decisions that are important to their family’s future. Call (513) 867-1411 to discuss your case with a skilled divorce attorney. Or, visit their website for more information on the various domestic relations services they provide.
