
If you notice that the water pressure at home is low, you may need to call for plumbing repair. There are several potential causes for this issue, and it's helpful for homeowners to understand a few. Here are five common problems associated with this plumbing problem.

Low Water Pressure May Indicate These 5 Issues

1. A Failing Pressure Regulator

Pressure regulators control the water entering every home to keep pipes intact. These devices mitigate potential damage on your plumbing by a too-fast flow. If the regulators fail, you may notice a quick drop in pressure leading to a trickle of water from sinks and showers that requires plumbing repair.

2. A Partially Open Water Valve

Every home has a water valve leading from the primary source to the house. If this valve moves, it will limit water pressure throughout the home. Make sure it is fully open to provide ample flow to every faucet and fixture. 

3. A Clog

plumberClogs are the most common cause of water pressure problems. They often develop slowly over time and therefore aren’t the most obvious or immediate reason behind an issue. You’ll need plumbing repairs to mitigate buildup inside pipes and fixtures to clear out any blockages and restore pressure.

4. Corrosion

Older homes — especially those that feature steel water pipes — are particularly susceptible to pipe corrosion due to aging. Rust and regular wear and tear can weaken pipes causing small leaks. Some houses also feature pipes that are not the correct size for the fixtures they feed into, which can further limit water pressure and mitigate efficiency.

5. Leaks

Not all leaks are as blatant as water pouring from the pipes. Small trickles can have a significant impact on your overall water pressure and may cause a costly increase in your water bills while reducing the flow.


If you need a plumbing repair, contact Lonneman Plumbing in Kenton County, KY, to schedule an appointment with their efficient, reliable team. They’ve been in business for over 50 years providing top-notch services for toilets, faucets, tubs, sewer lines, sump pumps, tubs, and water heaters. Call (859) 341-7755 to schedule a free estimate or visit the website for information on their quality plumbing services.
