
Whatever the season, homeowners strive to find ways to save money. And while utility bills might seem like an unavoidable expense, there are ways to reduce your heating and cooling costs. The guide below lists some advice from HVAC contractors for making your monthly bills more manageable without lessening your family’s comfort.

How to Manage Heating & Cooling Costs

1. Program the Thermostat

If you don’t already have one, install a programmable thermostat and preset your desired temperatures. By telling the system to lessen its efforts to heat or cool the house during the hours you are away at work and then to gradually return to normal around your usual arrival time, you’ll save energy and, thus, money.

2. Reduce Drafts

HVAC contractorFind the areas in your living space that may be letting air out. Seal drafty doors, windows, and fireplaces with weatherstripping or caulk, and make sure any holes or cracks are patched. For windows, consider plastic draft sheeting that will keep heating and air conditioning from seeping out and extreme temperatures from outside from getting in.

3. Clean Equipment

Change filters regularly to make sure nothing is blocking air flow. During seasons when you are running your equipment frequently, replace or clean filters monthly. Also, keep equipment and components dust-free so your air conditioner and heater do not have to work harder to maintain temperatures.

4. Stay on Top of Repairs

Call HVAC contractors to inspect and maintain equipment annually. Experts will clean parts and check that each area is running well. Their professional eye can also spot trouble early, saving you money in air conditioning and heating repairs and ensuring your equipment lasts all year long.

5. Update the HVAC

If your system is over a decade old, talk to an HVAC contractor about upgrading to a more energy-efficient model. Units that are ENERGY STAR® rated are not only greener but can also qualify you for a tax credit with the government.


For air conditioning services and heating repair in Lake Havasu City, AZ, trust the Mitsubishi Electric Diamond Dealer, Kool-Wave Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Not only do they offer over 20 years of experience but also 12-month financing options in addition to their military and senior discounts. To set up an appointment with these HVAC contractors, call (928) 855-5665 or use the contact form on their website.
