
Before scheduling a dumpster rental, you’ll have to decide how large of a container is necessary. Pick one too small and you either won’t be able to complete the job or will have to pay extra money to get a second roll-off. Select one too large and you’ll wind up paying for space you don’t need. Therefore, use the guide below to understand the standard dumpster sizes and what they can hold.

12-yard Dumpsters

If you’re tackling a smaller project at home, a smaller dumpster rental like a 12-yarder may be perfect for you. People rent them when cleaning out a garage, emptying an attic, or taking apart a pole barn. Businesses might use one if they’re updating their fixtures and need to trash many shelves, fridges, or hanging apparatuses.  

20-yard Dumpsters

Those who are remodeling their homes may benefit from ordering this medium-sized dumpster that could hold 20 cubic yards of trash. It’s perfect for redoing a kitchen, pulling up a large deck, or going through several rooms in your house in search of underused items.

30-yard Dumpsters

Are you installing new windows or siding on your home? These dumpster rentals are suitable for larger projects with a lot of waste. You may even use this container if you’re cleaning out an entire small home after a loved one passes away.

40-yard Dumpsters

Homeowners who are doing a significant project like replacing a roof, demolishing a garage, or making a substantial addition should consider renting a 40-yard dumpster. Individuals who are cleaning out large storage facilities or homes that have a lot of belongings inside may also benefit from this large waste container. Commercial and industrial enterprises undergoing major remodeling should also find this size sufficient for construction debris.


Home and business owners in need of dumpster rentals should contact Lone Star Containers in Kerr County, TX. The company offers 12-foot through 40-foot roll-off containers that will cater to all your clean-up needs. Learn more about their same-day debris collection services online. Or call (830) 257-0062 today to schedule delivery.
