
Urinary incontinence is a potentially embarrassing problem that can have an impact on a person’s quality of life. When in search of treatment, it’s important to identify the type of incontinence to get to the root of the issue. The following are a few common conditions and their causes.

3 Types of Urinary Incontinence

1. Stress Incontinence

Stress incontinence is characterized by the loss of urine when exercising, laughing, sneezing, lifting a heavy object, or during sex. Women are more likely to suffer from stress incontinence, especially those who are pregnant or who’ve had multiple births. Men who’ve undergone prostate surgery are also at risk. Treatments include Kegel exercises, which strengthen pelvic and sphincter muscles. In more serious cases, a urologist may perform surgery that uses tissue to create a sling, which increases support of the urethra.

2. Overactive Bladder

IncontinenceThe sudden, overwhelming urge to urinate is often referred to as an overactive bladder. Causes include an infection of the bladder, kidney stones, bladder cancer, an enlarged prostate, and spinal trauma. Treatments include bladder training and Kegel exercises, as well as changes in diet and lifestyle. A pessary is another option, which involves a type urethra insert that can be used during certain activities where leakage is likely to occur.

3. Overflow Incontinence

Overflow incontinence occurs when the bladder doesn’t empty completely when urinating, and this usually entails slight urine leakage. Men with enlarged prostates have a high chance of overflow incontinence, as do people with bladder stones, diabetes, or women experiencing uterine or bladder prolapse. Some people find relief by double voiding, scheduling bathroom time, or Kegel exercises. Certain medications relax the bladder so it’s easier to eliminate completely, and bladder sling and prolapse procedures are used when other treatments are unsuccessful.


If you’re experiencing incontinence, scheduling an appointment with a urology specialist is the next logical step. In High Point, NC, people look to Medical Center Urology for a range of quality services from skilled health care providers. Dr. Richard Puschinsky and the rest of his team are equipped to treat prostate issues, kidney stones, interstitial cystitis, and erectile dysfunction, as well as offering cancer screenings and treatments. If you’d like to schedule an evaluation, feel free to call (336) 882-0220. You can also visit them online for more information on services.  
