
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 80% of Americans will contract HPV or the human papillomavirus in their lifetime. As a prevalent sexually transmitted infection that is responsible for 90% of cervical and anal cancer and roughly 70% of vulvar and vaginal cancer, it’s critical for women to understand this condition. With this in mind, here’s a gynecologist-approved guide to HPV to review before your next appointment at an OBGYN clinic. 

Understanding Human Papillomavirus or HPV

What Is HPV?

HGynecologistPV is a blanket term used to categorize over 150 different viruses that are spread through skin to skin contact. While many HPV viruses clear up on their own and do not include any outward symptoms, other strains can lead to genital warts or increase your risk of cancer in the vagina, penis, mouth, throat, anus, or vulva. 

How Is This Sexually Transmitted Infection Detected?

At this time, there is no test to detect HPV in men; however, men infected are still able to pass the virus on to sexual partners. As such, it’s important for sexually active women to see their gynecologist on a regular basis for Pap smears. Should your Pap smear come back abnormal or if you’re over the age of 30, your gynecologist may recommend an HPV test to determine your risk of cervical cancer. During the test, your OBGYN will collect cells from your cervix and inspect them in a lab to check for abnormalities. 

What Are Your Treatment Options for HPV?

There is no cure for HPV, but your health care team can treat symptoms and manage health issues related to the virus, such as offering prescription medication to reduce genital warts. There is a vaccine to protect against certain strains of HPV that are linked to cancer and genital warts. Talk to your gynecologist to determine whether you’re a candidate for this preventative measure. 


OBGYN Associates, Inc. has been providing quality, comprehensive women’s health care to residents throughout the Greater Fairfield and West Chester, OH, area for over 78 years. If you’re looking for a compassionate OBGYN clinic that’s known for addressing the physical and emotional needs of patients through every life stage, call today at (513) 221-3800 to schedule an appointment with a trustworthy gynecologist at one of their two locations. To learn more about their services, from administering HPV vaccines to family planning and breast cancer screenings, visit their website
