
Fear of public speaking is one of the most common phobias, affecting an astounding 73% of the population. For these folks, being asked to give a eulogy at a funeral service can be an anxiety-provoking prospect. Fortunately, there are some ways to effectively manage one's fear of public speaking; these tips are discussed in more detail below.

How to Overcome a Fear of Public Speaking to Deliver a Eulogy

1. Rehearse Often

Proper preparation is key to surmounting public speaking anxiety. After being asked to speak, start writing the eulogy as soon as possible so you have ample time to rehearse. Then, set aside time each day to read and rehearse it aloud, going over it several times during each practice period. As you grow more comfortable with the material, invite someone you trust—a spouse, child, or close friend—to be your audience. Even this might be nerve-wracking at first, but you will grow more confident each time you do it in front of an audience.

2. Focus on the Meaning Behind the Words

It's not enough to just know the words of the eulogy. To give an effective speech, you need to connect with the meaning behind those words. Attaching meaning and emotion to language keeps you on track. If you lose the words during the course of a speech, you can recover quicker when there is an understanding of the larger meaning trying to be conveyed.

3.  Breathe & Visualize

funeral serviceBefore taking the podium at the funeral service, take a few deep, cleansing breaths. Keep your eyes closed and visualize yourself giving a strong speech. In the mind's eye, see yourself confidently standing up there and delivering a powerful tribute. There's nothing at all wrong with taking a few moments to yourself before making a public speech, so if you need to leave the room for a minute or two beforehand to get in the right mindset, do so quietly and respectfully.


These tips will help you ready yourself for the experience of delivering a eulogy at a funeral service. If you've recently lost a loved one, enlist the professionals at Stine-Kilburn Funeral Home of Lebanon. Since 1987, they have been providing the Warren County, OH, area with burial, cremation, and funeral services. They also offer funeral pre-planning guidance and support. Call (513) 932-1239, visit them online, or send them a message on Twitter or Google+ to learn more.
