
Exercise should be a part of everyone's preventative care routine. For those with joint pain, maintaining a regular fitness regimen can be challenging. Fortunately, there are many low impact exercises that are easy on the joints without sacrificing health and fitness value. Explore the exercises below to boost your preventative care practices.

4 Low Impact Exercises That Are Easy on the Joints

1. Walking

Walking safeguards joints by lubricating them and strengthening the muscles around them. Aim to walk five to six miles every week. Other benefits of walking include a natural curbing of one's appetite for sweets, enhancing of immune function, and a decrease in breast cancer risk.

2. Swimming

preventative careThe easy, natural resistance of water makes it an ideal fitness environment for those with joint pain. Swimming supports and encourages mobility in the joints without worsening pain or other symptoms. The CDC recommends two and a half hours per week of moderately-paced swimming to reap the full effects. And it's good for your heart too.

3. Yoga

For those with joint issues, yoga is an excellent choice because it’s tailored to one's own pace and ability. The gentle stretches and held poses improve strength, balance, and flexibility in the joints. More intense yoga styles like vinyasa and Iyengar can be done a couple of times per week; less-intense yoga classes, like restorative yoga, can be done more often.

4. Cycling

Whether you choose a stationary indoor bike or a more traditional outdoor ride, bicycling is another good option for those with joint pain. Because biking requires constant motion, the joints are being consistently engaged and lubricated, introducing greater mobility and flexibility. Biking also provides muscle-strengthening and cardiovascular benefits. To make cycling part of your preventative care, shoot for 20 to 30 minutes each day.


While joint issues can be uncomfortable, the above exercises offer a way to naturally manage pain and keep the joints active. Before starting any exercise program, be sure to see a doctor and discuss your plans. Since 1953, the primary care clinics at Santiam Hospital have been offering specialized and preventative care services to the Mid-Willamette Valley region; they also provide emergency room treatment, diagnostic imaging, and surgical interventions. To schedule an appointment, call (503) 769-2175, visit them online, or message them on Facebook or Twitter.
