
Dry mouth results when the salivary glands don’t produce enough saliva to keep the mouth moist. If you experience dry mouth at night, your dentist may be concerned about how this could affect your oral health. Read on to learn more about dry mouth and how to prevent it from happening while you sleep.

Understanding Night-Time Dry Mouth

Causes of Dry Mouth

Aging is a major contributing factor to dry mouth. Many medications, including some used to treat high blood pressure, anxiety, and depression, cause dry mouth as a side effect, as do chemotherapy and radiation. The use of tobacco, alcohol, and some recreational drugs can also lead to dry mouth. People who snore often experience night-time dry mouth because they breathe with their mouth open while they sleep. Sometimes, dry mouth may be caused by nerve damage or other health conditions that affect the salivary glands.

Symptoms of Dry Mouth

If your body isn’t producing enough saliva to keep your mouth wet while you sleep, you may notice a variety of symptoms besides just a dry feeling in your mouth. Talk to your family dentist or doctor if you experience:

  • Thick, stringy saliva
  • Changes in your sense of taste
  • Problems chewing or swallowing
  • Difficulty wearing dentures
  • Persistent bad breath

Effects of Dry Mouth on Oral Health

Anchorage dentistOccasional dry mouth may cause only minor oral health problems, such as cracked lips and mouth sores. Over time, however, dry mouth can lead to more serious dental health conditions that your dentist will have to address. Because saliva rinses away food particles and bacteria from the teeth, dry mouth can increase your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. In addition, your body may not be getting proper nutrition if a lack of saliva prevents you from chewing and swallowing.

How to Prevent Dry Mouth While You Sleep

To keep dry mouth from occurring, it’s important to determine what’s causing it. For example, if medication is affecting your saliva production, your doctor may be able to change your dosage. If snoring is making your mouth dry, try wearing an adhesive nasal strip at night to help you breathe through your nose. Here are some other steps you can take to prevent night-time dry mouth:

  • Drink water regularly throughout the day.
  • Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air in your home.
  • Limit your caffeine and alcohol consumption.
  • Choose an alcohol-free mouthwash.
  • Don’t smoke or chew tobacco.


Anchorage Dental Center has been serving patients of all ages in Anchorage, AK, for over 50 years. Whether you want a routine teeth cleaning, or you need a procedure, such as a root canal or dental implant, their caring team can provide the quality dental care you’re looking for. Call (907) 278-2521 to make a dentist appointment or visit their website to learn more about the practice.
