
Your furnace is one of the most important appliances in your home. You need your heating system to be functioning well to keep inside temperatures comfortable and to stay safe in cold weather, but unfortunately, issues can happen, leading to emergency furnace repairs. Here are a few signs of trouble to look for.

Signs You Need Furnace Repairs

1. Unusual Odors

A variety of scents can emanate from your furnace, ranging from rotten eggs to chemical smells. Sulfur odors point to an issue with your gas connection while a smoky smell can be anything from a dirty filter to overheating parts. To approach these issues, ventilate your home and call a furnace repair specialist to assess the root cause.

2. Different Sounds

furnace repairWhen your heater starts making sounds you’ve never heard before, your furnace may be experiencing issues. Clanking, rattling, or scraping can mean loose parts or broken components. Loud, disruptive noises should be handled by a professional as these are especially difficult and dangerous to fix on your own.

3. Problematic Thermostat

In many cases, the culprit is the thermostat. An old or broken device will not signal correct temperatures to your system, leading to the heat constantly turning on and off. This process, called heating cycling, is inefficient and will cause inconsistent inside temperatures. It also leads to extra wear and tear on components.

4. Safety Concerns

Carbon monoxide is an odorless and colorless gas that can be deadly at high levels. Typically, it is produced during incomplete combustion. Make sure you have carbon monoxide detectors in your home to alert you to a problem. Also, note the color of the furnace’s flame. Blue is fine, while yellow and orange indicate incomplete combustion and a safety concern.

5. Hot & Cold Spots

When some rooms are cozy and others are frigid, something is amiss with your heating system. The problem may be resolved by replacing or cleaning filters and getting rid of grime on other parts. In some cases, however, the problem may be stemming from a troublesome air handler or an issue with the pilot light. The best way to balance temperatures again is to call for furnace repairs before a complete shutdown occurs.


When you need furnace repairs, contact Harding Plumbing & Heating. Located in Wyoming County, NY, since 1978, this family-owned heating repair and plumbing company provides top-notch customer care and quality results. Whether you need preventive furnace care or help with an HVAC system breakdown, their technicians are available. Call (585) 237-5561 for an appointment or stop by their website for more heating and cooling maintenance tips.
