
Do you spend long hours working at a desk? If you’re suffering from neck pain, back pain, or from a migraine? Your posture is likely the cause. Something as simple as sitting incorrectly can produce a loss of curve in your cervical spine and pressure on your spinal joints. This can irritate the nerves in your neck and cause pain and spasms. This is why it’s important to understand biomechanics and proper posture while sitting at your desk.  There are essential do’s and don’ts, and by making a few changes, you can be confident you’ll avoid neck and back pain.


Relax Your Shoulders

When your shoulders are tensed up, they create strain throughout your neck muscles. This could be because you’re holding them too far back, hunching forward, or have them supported too high on an arm rest. Check regularly to make sure they’re relaxed. You’ll immediately reduce tension throughout your neck and upper back, making it easier to hold a proper posture.

Move Around

back painA crucial part of keeping your posture is moving around regularly. If you’ve developed bad habits, you’ll inevitably fall back to them if you sit for hours. Moving around keeps your muscles loose, so stand up, stretch, and take periodic breaks. You’ll avoid neck and back pain and feel much more comfortable throughout the day.



The biggest posture issue is slouching. As you gradually lean forward, you’re causing your lower back muscles to strain to support your body. Sit up straight with your shoulders back, and invest in a comfortable chair. Slouching is often a tell-tale sign that you need to get up and move around, so pay attention to your body.

Forget Your Legs

The position of your legs plays into your sitting posture. It can be tempting to cross your legs or pull your feet beneath your seat. Unfortunately, you’re throwing your body out of whack. Keep your feet planted on the floor in front of you with your upper legs straightforward. It should look like a 90-degree angle, and you’ll release tension in the lower back.


If you’re living with back pain and related issues, turn to a chiropractor at Augustine Chiropractic in Wesley Chapel, FL. Dr. Brian Augustine and his team bring over 31 years of experience to their patients. You can count on a customized treatment plan, and they can address issues related to auto accident injuries, scoliosis, and more. Call (813) 994-6008 to schedule an exam and visit their website to learn more.
