
Dental implants are an invaluable solution for people that have lost their teeth. While they’re extremely durable, they still require constant care. Like your natural teeth, they’re prone to damage, and you want to protect your smile and investment. With proper care, implants can last many years, so make sure to practice the following dental care tips.

How to Care for Dental Implants

1. Brush & Floss

Just because a dental implant is a prosthetic doesn’t mean that it doesn’t need to be brushed and flossed. Plaque can still build up, and decay-causing bacteria will live on the surfaces. You need to brush and floss twice a day with dentist-approved products, including around the gum line where tartar may form. Following your surgery, ask your dentist for advice on dental care for your specific dental implant. 

2. Treat Implants like Natural Teeth

Avoid habits like biting your fingernails or chewing on non-edible objects that can lead to breakage of implants as well a your teeth.

3. Visit the Dentist Twice a Year

dental-implants-drs-emery-and-scuroDental implants are a low-maintenance solution, but you still need to see the dentist regularly. Most people are advised two visits a year, though you may require more following the procedure. The dentist can fully clean the implant and surrounding teeth and make sure that it’s holding up well. It’s a great time to ask questions about caring for the rest of your teeth so you can be confident you have a healthy smile.



If you’re interested in exploring dental implants and other cosmetic solutions, turn to Drs Emery & Scuro in Rochester, NY. With 30 years of implant experience, they believe in a personalized approach to your care.  So whether it’s a general cleaning, teeth whitening, or more extensive procedure, they’ll ensure you’re comfortable. Call (585) 247-7110 to schedule a cleaning and visit their website to learn more about their services. 
