
No matter how much solar did you install or plan to install in your home, the Sun doesn’t shine at night when you need it the most. Therefore, an effective way to save money during those hours is to add a battery system. Despite what is said, batteries make sense. Here is why.

Understanding How Solar plus Batteries Work

Why batteries make sense?

Imagen relacionadaDuring the day, when you are away from home, is when your solar system will generate most power (yellow). However, in the evening hours when your car needs a charge and your cooking and/or laundry skills shine the most, the Sun is gone. By adding a battery to your home, you’ll use all the excess power generated during the day by your solar panels to cover that evening demand (Blue). You are indeed bottling the Sun. Now you can really take control of your energy, make the right choice.

How can batteries save you money?

Now that you have increased your daily solar window you have created a system where more money stays in your pocket while less is being paid to the utility. More so, now that you have the choice to use energy at your discretion, you can greatly save more under variable rates or tariffs. Here in Colorado, Xcel Energy which is the biggest utility is trying to change current rates to variable ones depending on the time of the day energy is used. These rates are called Time-Of-Use (TOU). Xcel got approved in Minnesota where they serve as well.

Under TOU, Xcel will most likely split the day in three different rates: Off-Peak, On-Peak and Shoulder. Off-Peak (9PM-6AM) will be lets say $0.08/kWh, On-Peak (6AM-10AM & 5PM-9PM) will be $0.19/kWh and Shoulder around $0.11/kWh. Here you can see already that the priciest time of the day are not in sync with the solar generation. That’s where batteries excel for you to start saving money.

Are battery “Intangibles” a selling point?

First, lets define some of the battery “intangibles”: security, resiliency, back-up, safety. Behind every battery there is a cascade of benefits that are hard to quantify. Batteries allow you to have power when the grid is down, allow you to bring a level of resiliency to your household when it comes to powering essentials like a fridge, or simply brings a level of security when a centralize facility is cyber hacked or a hurricane devastates the transmission lines. I know this is out there but happens more often than you think. Bottomline, ny adding batteries you’re helping the grid and at the same time, becoming your own energy boss.

Peace of mind is reliable power when you need it.

If you’re interested in taking advantage of battery based systems, Golden Solar in Colorado can help. For the last 12 years, they've helped residents in Jefferson County and the surrounding areas reduce utility costs and embrace energy independence. To learn more about their solar, microgrid, and battery solutions, call today at (303) 955-6332 for a free estimate. You can also contact this clean energy company online for additional information on costs.

