
Cold temperatures bring dry air that can irritate you and your family and interfere with air quality in your home. You want your home to have between 40% to 50% humidity for ideal comfort, and adding humidifiers can help find that balance. Here are a few reasons to install them today.

Why You Should Use Humidifiers in Winter

1. Boost Indoor Air Quality

Especially for those with asthma or other respiratory issues, a humidifier will make breathing easier. Cold, dry air that carries viruses and bacteria will cause more irritation and may trigger symptoms in those who are already compromised. By replacing moisture, you improve the air quality and reduce triggers for respiratory distress. An added bonus is indoor plants thrive better in moist environments, which means they will pull more toxins out of the air.

2. Curb Infections

Viruses and bacteria do not travel as quickly in moist air. A humidifier replaces much-needed humidity and slows down airborne bugs that will make you and your family sick. Also, winter air dries out your sinus cavity, making you susceptible to sinus infections and nasal discomfort. A humidifier, especially while sleeping, reduces ear, nose, and throat trouble.

3. Stop Dry Skin

humidifierYou may have noticed your skin feels excessively dry as temperatures get lower. This is because cold air cannot hold as much moisture as warm air, which then leads to dry, itchy, irritated hands, feet, and more. A humidifier replaces moisture missing from cold air and fights against flaky, arid skin.

4. Protect Furniture

Wood furniture and features are vulnerable to damage when the air is too dry. You may notice cracking and splintering on moldings, doors, tables, and chairs. More humidity will lengthen your wooden elements’ lifespan.

5. Lower Electric Shocks

Zaps and zings from static electricity, especially when walking on carpeting, increase in dry, crackling winter air. Adding a humidifier lowers shocks and removes an annoying aspect of dry air.


For home humidifiers to improve your indoor air quality, call the HVAC experts at Green Mountain Heating & Air Conditioning in Lakewood, CO. These heating and cooling experts bring 25 years of experience to every service. Each technician is fully trained and ensures your home has what it needs to be comfortable all year long. Call (303) 985-4884 for an appointment, and visit their website for their convenient contact form.
