
Being a teenager may seem fun and carefree, but many teens actually face a number of challenges and stresses. Depression has become common, and it often gets mistaken by parents for growing pains. It can have a significant impact on their well-being, which is why it’s important to understand this condition. By educating yourself and recognizing the symptoms, you can ensure that your child receives the care they need.

Understanding Teen Depression

What Is Depression?

The American Psychiatric Association® lists depression as a mental illness defined by feelings of sadness. These can lead to a loss of interest in school and activities, losing friendships, and emotional issues with peers and family. It can be a stand-alone issue or related to thyroid problems, vitamin deficiencies, or other medical problems. It’s estimated that one in six Americans experiences depression at some point.

What Are the Symptoms?

depressionDepression can be hard to spot in teens, but common symptoms include extended periods of sadness, difficulty sleeping, sleeping too much, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, and difficulty concentrating. Teens living with depression may avoid social situations and abandon responsibilities. Weight loss or gain and fatigue are often associated with the condition. In some cases, there may be discussions about suicide or harming oneself. 

How Is It Treated?

If you think your teen is depressed, communicate with them. Never make them feel guilty for their feelings, and give them plenty of space. Counseling is an important step for treatment. You should explore one-on-one or group counseling or other mental health services. If absolutely needed, your physician may prescribe medication, though it’s usually as a last resort. Teen depression is highly treatable, and you can be confident that, with help, they will be happy again.


If you’re concerned about a loved one’s well-being, turn to Counseling Solutions of Alaska. Located in Anchorage, their compassionate team offers a wide variety of treatments for emotional and behavioral health issues. From teen depression and post-traumatic stress disorder to general stress management, they’ll work closely with you to treat the issue. Call (907) 644-8044 to schedule a consultation, or visit their website to learn more about their services.
