
While recovery periods will naturally vary from patient to patient, there are ways to ensure a speedy healing process after plastic surgery. By following your surgeon’s recovery guidelines and speaking to them if issues arise, your healing process will be both quicker and safer. Below are a few tips to help you through the recovery process.

How to Ensure a Healthy Recovery After Plastic Surgery

1. Plan Ahead

Some plastic surgeries can be invasive, so give yourself downtime for the body to fully heal and recuperate. Don't rush back into your daily routine immediately after the procedure. Instead, take time off from work, schedule help with the kids, and don't make any plans for the first several days after the operation.

2. Have Someone Look After You

plastic surgeryFor the first 72 hours following the procedure, arrange to have someone you trust to be with you at all times. Even if you feel completely fine and capable of looking after yourself, an extra pair of hands is essential. Not only will they provide support for tasks you may find difficult, such as fluffing a pillow or preparing a meal, but they can also act quickly if a rare complication presents itself.

3. Keep the Head Elevated

For facial plastic surgery, aim to elevate the head as much as possible for the first several days post-operation. Keeping the head raised even slightly higher than the rest of the body will reduce swelling. Sit up as much as possible, and when lying down, always prop up your head and neck with pillows.


By following these tips, you will be taking proactive steps toward a full recovery from your plastic surgery procedure. When looking for facial rejuvenation options, look no further than Mao Facial Plastic Surgery. Drs. Johnny Mao and Richard Restifo perform face, head, or neck plastic surgeries, including rhinoplasty surgery, brow lifts, and Botox. To schedule a consultation, call them today at (203) 907-0501, visit them online, or contact them via Facebook.
