
Here are a few weight loss tips to help you resist the pull of not-so-healthy foods from David Kessler’s book, The End of Overeating.

Stop the thought-  The first thing you can do is “turn off the image”. Simply changing the channel in your brain. By turning off the image of the trigger food can help to prevent the debate of whether to eat it.

Seize Control- Stay alert to emotional stressors or other things that may trigger automatic behaviors.  Recognize emotions like sadness, fatigue, or anxiety that may lead you to overeat.

Pick foods that will satisfy, not stimulate, you- Each person is different, but trying things like whole grains, fruit, non-starchy vegetables, and beans combined with lean protein and a small amount of fat.

Practice just-right eating. Before a meal, figure out how much food you need. Add that amount to your plate and don’t go back for seconds.

Replace chaos with structure- Determine ahead of time what you’ll eat for meals and snacks. Block out everything else.

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