
After reliable use all season, you want to make sure you treat your furnace properly. Before you flip the AC on, you’ll have to shut it down correctly. It’s more than pressing a switch; your furnace requires additional care. Sticking to the steps below will ensure you handle the process correctly and that your system will be ready for optimal performance next winter.

Steps to Shut Down Your Furnace

1. Turn Off the Pilot Light

furnaceThe pilot light in your furnace stays lit throughout winter, and if you don’t turn it off, it will do so through spring and summer as well. To do this, turn the gas line off. Keeping it lit will waste gas, in turn, causing your utility bills to increase. If you own a furnace with an electric ignition system, you won’t need to worry about the pilot light.

2. Clean

If you’ve had a busy winter, plenty of grime and debris has likely built up around and on your furnace. Wipe all of this clear so that nothing sticks and interferes with functionality. Only use manufacturer-approved cleaners, and change the air filters in your HVAC system as well to promote optimal air flow. To ensure the best results, consider allowing a heating contractor to handle the job.

3. Schedule Repairs

Outstanding issues with your furnace will remain a problem, and you don’t want to worry about them when next winter arrives. Handle necessary repairs now. A heating contractor will make a full assessment of your heating system and identify risk factors and other issues that need to be addressed. Repairs are much easier during the offseason, and you may be able to take advantage of post-winter deals.


Ready for a furnace inspection? Turn to Universal Refrigeration. They’ve served clients throughout Auburn, WA, since 1985 and are proud to offer comprehensive heating and cooling services. Their technicians provide 24/7 service for unexpected breakdowns, and can also help with installations and general maintenance. Visit their website to learn more about their services and call (253) 939-5501 to schedule an inspection. You can also connect on Facebook for news and updates.
