
The new year marks a fresh start, which is why New Year’s resolutions are so popular. Whether or not you’ve chosen yours for 2019, why not add improving dental health to the list? Here are three resolutions dentists say you should consider for a better, healthier smile in 2019.

3 New Year’s Resolutions for Better Oral Health 

1. See Your Dentist

When was the last time you saw your dentist for an exam and cleaning? As a rule of thumb, most people should visit the dentist every six months, or more often if you have existing or past dental issues, such as gum disease. If you’ve been putting it off, get back on track in the new year by scheduling an appointment today, even if it’s for a few weeks from now. Biannual cleanings and checkups are crucial for a healthy, bright smile.

2. Floss More

dentistEveryone should floss at least once a day to remove bacteria from between the teeth where your toothbrush can’t reach. Failure to do so can result in plaque and bacteria buildup which may lead to cavities, bad breath, and gum disease. Mouthwash, while an excellent addition to your oral hygiene routine, is no substitute for floss. If you experience pain or bloody gums when flossing, talk to your doctor, as this may be an early sign of gingivitis.

3. Eat a Tooth-Friendly Diet

Eating healthier is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. Whether or not you’ve already resolved to change your diet to lose weight or improve your heart health in the new year, consider deciding to eat well for your teeth. Cutting down on sugar and alcohol can make significant strides for your smile to start with, as these foods and drinks can nurture bacteria and wear down enamel. Try eating more calcium as well, which helps to build strong teeth and bones, and eat crunchy fruits and veggies which act as natural teeth cleaners. 


Another excellent reason to commit to better oral health this January is the renewal of dental insurance benefits. Wellness is something you can’t afford to put off, so get a head start on a healthier year now by scheduling an appointment with your dentist. If you’re in the Hamilton, OH, area, turn to Clements Family Dentistry for comprehensive, compassionate dental services for all ages. For over 20 years, they’ve served the community, providing a broad range of general and cosmetic dentistry treatments, including cleanings, fillings, teeth whitening, and crowns and veneers. Call (513) 887-7027 to speak with a friendly team member about what they can do for your family. Or, visit their website to find out more about their innovative treatments. 
