
Energy expenditures, especially during the summer, can constitute the largest single portion of your utility bill; it simply costs money to run your AC. By figuring out ways to make the system run more efficiently, you’ll be able to see savings on those bills, ensure longevity of the unit, while helping to minimize your home’s environmental impact. According to the HVAC and water heater repair professionals at Lexington, KY’s Disponette Service, a few simple steps will drastically reduce the amount of energy expended by your AC system.

So what can you do to save energy when operating your air conditioning system? Let’s take a look:

  • Set your thermostat to the highest possible temperature setting.
  • Only operate the air conditioner when people are at home.
  • Don’t set it to a cooler temperature than normal when first turning it on; it won’t cause your home to cool faster, and you may waste energy by cooling too much.
  • Use an interior fan along with the system to spread the cooling more efficiently.
  • Keep thermostat clear of heat producing appliances like lamps or TVs.
  • If your system is older, consider purchasing a newer more energy-efficient one.
  • Try to be strategic about what rooms you cool; it might not be worth trying to cool the whole house.
  • Consider using a smaller, window unit, rather than larger, whole-home systems.
  • Check your home’s ductwork to make sure it isn’t leaking, especially if it runs through non air-conditioned parts of the home.
  • Make sure no furniture is blocking AC vents, as this inhibits distribution of cool air.

If you follow these steps, you’ll find your home as cool as ever with less of that dreaded spike in the utility bills. It should be noted that the team at Disponette Service can also do a full audit of your system, ensuring that it’s running efficiently and optimally. To learn more about this local business, check out their website or just give them a call at (859) 255-7157.
