
A snowmobile is the perfect utility vehicle for winter work and enjoyment. No matter how often you plan to use it, it’s important to take the necessary steps to keep it in optimum condition so you’ll maximize its useful life. Use the essential maintenance tips below to ensure you enjoy your snowmobile for years to come and avoid costly repairs.

3 Ways to Make a Snowmobile Last Longer

1. Create a Home Maintenance Schedule

If you’re familiar with the parts in your snowmobile, create a maintenance schedule. Check and clean key components. Clean your clutch sleeves and make sure your belt is appropriately tight. Degrease under the hood occasionally. Inspect your exhaust system for leaks and ensure your tracks and skis are properly aligned. Change the chain case lubricant at least once annually. Make sure you’re using the fuel recommended by your manufacturer, and stick to high-quality engine oil. Lastly, washing your vehicle regularly will prevent unwanted buildup and corrosion.

2. Schedule Inspections

snowmobile-m-and-ssalves-and-service-incWhether you’ve been putting off repairs or simply haven’t had a professional look at your vehicle since you purchased it, schedule an annual inspection. This should be part of your maintenance plan regardless of how knowledgeable you are. Trained repair technicians will take a close look at all the intricacies of your machine from the carburetor to the shocks. They’ll identify risk factors and address issues, such as cracked skid frames or suspensions. They’ll also prime it for the coming season to ensure optimum performance. 

3. Use a Cover

Snowmobile care doesn’t stop in the off-season. When the snows melt, invest in a quality snowmobile cover. A weatherproof product will prevent rain and sun exposure from causing discoloration or corrosion. It will also keep pests from nesting inside. Next winter, you’ll be able to pull it out confident that it’s pristine and ready to ride.


If you need snowmobile repairs, turn to M & S Sales & Service Inc. For over 45 years, they’ve served New Holland, PA, offering snowmobiles, ATVs, and motorcycles from industry-leading brands. They also offer comprehensive repair services to ensure you get the most from your vehicle. Call (717) 354-4726 to speak with a representative and visit their website to learn more. Connect on Facebook for news and updates.
