
Research has confirmed what those who attend church and pray already knew. Prayer can support and, in some cases, improve a person’s overall health. Not only does it alleviate stress, but it can also deepen your faith, make you happier, and help heal illness as described in the guide below.

Prayer & Mental Health

Studies have been conducted using MRIs to observe the human brain in participants who were asked to respond to stimuli before and then during prayer. It revealed that prayer activated deep parts of their brains and encouraged self-soothing. The more trust a person has in God and their faith, the happier and more optimistic they feel afterward. This is because praying also releases higher levels of dopamine, a hormone in the brain associated with well-being and joy.

Prayer & Physical Health

churchStress and anxiety can release chemicals that contribute to illnesses such as heart disease and obesity, both of which can be detrimental to one’s physical health. When a person keeps their emotions, hopes, and fears bottled up, it can cause that person to lose cognitive clarity, which leads them to make poor health choices, such as unhealthy eating. Praying, on the other hand, can reduce stress, lower high blood pressure, and stimulate hormones that promote self-healing. As a result of this or other, still-unknown phenomenon, people who attend church are less likely to die within a set time frame than those who abstain.


If you’re looking for a new church, consider attending services at Mount Hebron Missionary Baptist Church in Dickinson, TX. A devoted non-profit Christian organization, they are open to everyone in the community, regardless of age, sex, or race. Headed by Reverend Kevin Reeves, church events include Sunday worship, Sunday school, Bible study, and prayer groups. To learn more about their caring mission, call (409) 218-9339 or visit them online today. 
