
Responsible for carrying minerals, nutrients, and hormones to different parts of a tree's interior, sap is a naturally produced substance. It functions as the blood of a tree and is most visible after tree pruning. Generally, there’s no cause for concern, especially since some trees are more abundant in sap than others. If you’re curious about this liquid, here’s what you need to know.

A Quick Guide to Tree Sap


Sap is located in two different areas of a tree's structure: the phloem, which is just behind the first layer of bark, and the xylem, which is deeper inside. The sap from the phloem contains sugars and moves from the leaves down to the roots, while the sap from the xylem, moves in the opposite direction, from the roots up to the leaves. Both are primarily made of water and carry a viscosity that’s thinner than honey.

Trees Abundant in Sap

tree pruningAs mentioned earlier, some trees produce more sap than others. Because of this, they’re tapped with a spout so that the sap can be drained. For example, the sap from sugar maple trees is the primary ingredient in maple syrup. Birch, poplar, and pine are also tapped for their sap, which is used for culinary, medicinal, and utilitarian purposes.

What to Do When It Happens

If a tree was accidentally damaged or cut recently and you see sap bleeding from it, leave it alone. You don’t need to bandage it up; let the area breathe. Putting any type of wrapping around it locks in moisture, which makes it easier for fungal diseases to grow. If there hasn’t been any kind of tree pruning and you notice signs of disease, like leaf discoloration or holes in the bark, call a professional tree service company for an inspection.

How to Avoid Sap Bleeding

Since it’s vital to a tree’s well-being, it’s best to avoid unnecessary bleeding. The best way to do this is by scheduling tree pruning at the correct times of the year. While some species can be pruned at the beginning of spring, wintertime is usually the best. Since it’s dormant, the sap won’t be flowing extraneously from the wound.


For anyone in Minnesota's Chisago or Washington County who's concerned about the trees on their property, contact Above All Tree Care. Located in Center City, they've provided quality tree services at affordable rates for nearly 20 years. Whether it's tree pruning or stump removal, they can do it all! They even offer emergency care too! To schedule an appointment, call (651) 257-2136 or send them a message through their website. They offer free estimates, so don't hesitate to get in touch.
