
Mice may look cute, but having just one or two around your house can quickly lead to an infestation. This is best avoided since mice are known to carry a variety of diseases. They also cause problems by chewing through electrical cables and leaving droppings everywhere. To stop rodents from entering your home, use these five preventative tips from a pest control service.

Avoid Mice Infestations With These 5 Pest Control Service Tips

1. Repair Loose Mortar

Mice can fit through openings as small as a quarter, which is why it’s critical to inspect your home annually to check for weaknesses like crumbling mortar and cracks in the walls. When you find them, reseal them immediately to reduce the risk of infestation.

2. Keep Your House Clean

pest control serviceLike all pests, mice are drawn to food sources — taking that food away will significantly reduce the risk of infestation. Keep all parts of your house clean and dry, from the basement to the kitchen. Make sure that the food in your pantry is tightly sealed, and don’t leave crumbs scattered on the countertop.

3. Set Traps

When all else fails, using mousetraps is an effective method for rodent control. This isn’t effective for deterring mice from entering your home initially, but it will reduce existing rodent populations. If you don’t like the idea of killing mice, then use a cage, and release the mouse far away from your home where they won’t be able to get back.

4. Get a Cat

As the mouse’s natural predator, cats are an excellent choice for cutting down on rodent populations. If you live in the country and have mice on your property — perhaps in your workshop or tool shed — having an outside cat will keep those areas mouse-free. Having an indoor cat can protect your family and your home.

5. Use Mouse Repellant

Certain substances naturally drive mice away, and scattering these around cracks in the walls or in basements and other mouse-attractive areas can keep them out. This can include mint, bay leaves, and mothballs. Mothballs are poisonous to mice and other organisms, so be sure to keep them in a place where pets or children won’t be able to reach them.


If you’re looking for quality pest control services around mid and central Missouri, then contact the experts at Denning Pest Control. Located in Columbia and Jefferson City, they offer assistance including termite and bedbug treatments. Trust them and their more than 60 years of experience to solve whatever infestation problem you’ve encountered. To learn more today, visit them online or call their Jefferson City location at (573) 636-6351 or their Columbia location at (573) 442-4010.
