
It can be hard to get your kids to brush and floss as they should. While your dentist probably emphasizes the importance of proper oral care to your children during exams, these messages might still not resonate. If this is the case, here are some tips to try.

How to Get Kids to Love Dental Care

1. Reward Good Habits

Any time your child brushes and flosses properly, be sure to offer positive praise. As a reward, consider adding an extra hour to curfew or offering the choice of a book for that night’s bedtime story. You can also track progress using a chart and fun stickers. For every five stars offer something special to show your child just how proud you are.

2. Use Floss Sticks

dentistA lot of kids have problems flossing, which can lead to dental care issues. You can make the process much easier by picking up some floss sticks, which many kids find easier to handle. Floss sticks are sometimes even flavored, which is pleasing to young children reluctant about dental hygiene. If you’re having a hard time finding a suitable brand, consult with your dentist about some possible options.

3. Play Music

When brushing teeth, two-minute sessions are recommended to ensure a thorough clean. If your child is having a hard time brushing that long, try playing a song of a comparable length during their dental care routine. That way, your child will know just how long teeth should be brushed, while also having a bit of fun in the process.


The dentists at Four Corners Dental Group believe that good oral health habits must begin early. That’s why they’re dedicated to providing quality dental care to the whole family, which includes exams, x-rays, and restorative procedures like root canals and crowns. Because visiting the dentist can be intimidating for children, they also go above and beyond to create a friendly and welcoming environment perfect for fostering lifelong dental habits. Schedule an appointment in Anchorage for yourself or a loved one by calling (907) 258-3384. Call (907) 376-2790 to reach their Wasilla location, and learn more about general dentistry procedures by visiting the website.
