
If you have a dog or cat, you may have concerns about their safety during the winter months. The same cold weather hazards facing people also face your pets, and it’s up to you to make sure they remain comfortable all winter long. The following are a few ways you can do just that.

Keep Pets Safe During Winter With These 3 Tips

1. Take Care of Your Dog’s Skin

Dry skin is a problem for many dogs. Towel dry your dog thoroughly after walks and consider investing in a humidifier to add a bit of moisture to the hot air in your home. You also want to refrain from cutting your pet’s hair during the winter months. Your dog’s coat protects their sensitive skin against the elements and offers some much-needed warmth. If your dog has short hair, consider buying a sweater for walks.

2. Prevent Damage to Paws

dogDe-icing chemicals and salt can irritate your pet’s feet. Booties are a good option, as they offer all over protection. If your pet is unwilling to wear booties, you can also apply petroleum jelly to the pads of their feet before walks. Upon return, make sure your dog’s feet are dry and free of any salt or ice.

3. Make Sure Outdoor Pets Are Safe

If your outdoor pet doesn’t have some form of shelter, make sure they’re inside during storms or freezing weather. You also want to be careful when feeding your pet. Provide ample food and make sure water isn’t frozen. You can also check your animal’s skin for frostbite, which is usually found on the ears and paws.


The team at Oak Crest Animal Hospital of Cincinnati, OH, care as much as about your pet as you do. That’s why so many local dog and cat owners rely on these veterinarians, whether they’re in need of winter pet care advice or want to schedule an exam for their pet. Pet health services include diagnostic testing, dental care, vaccination, preventative health care, nutritional guidance, surgical procedures, and many other services. Schedule an appointment today by calling (513) 574-3647. You can also visit the website to see their helpful animal care guides.
