
Winter weather can make roads and highways challenging to navigate, and between the snow, ice, and low visibility, drivers need to be extra careful when commuting. To avoid accidents, car insurance providers suggest taking preventative measures if you’ll be driving in freezing temperatures. Here are several helpful tips to follow this season.

4 Tips for Safe Driving in the Winter

1. Slow Down

Tires can lose traction when driving on icy roads, so drive slowly and give yourself more time to brake and react in case something unexpected occurs. Depending on the winter weather, the posted speed limit may be too fast to observe, and you should make adjustments to accommodate the conditions.

2. Look out for Black Ice

car insuranceBlack ice is a clear, thin coating of hardened water, and it’s difficult to detect while driving. This ice can be found on bridges and overpasses where the temperatures are much colder. If you encounter black ice, drive over it slowly and don’t hit the brakes, which can cause your vehicle to skid.

3. Keep Distance Between Cars

On slick, winter highways, your reaction time may be slower, so keep a distance of at least three car lengths. Car insurance providers say this gap allows you to have more time to respond if the vehicles in front of you suddenly brake.

4. Winterize Your Vehicle

Prepare your car or truck for the winter weather by ensuring the battery is in good condition. Car insurance carriers also suggest adding winter tires and chains for better traction control on icy roads. Make sure all fluids, such as oil and antifreeze, are at their recommended levels.


Winter is a tricky season to navigate when it comes to driving, but with a few safety tips, you and your loved ones can remain safe. Northwoods Insurance Agency in Crandon, WI, is your trusted provider for affordable and reliable car insurance. For over 30 years, this independent, local agency has been offering the individuals and businesses across Forest County the best rates from the nation’s leading carriers. For a free, no-obligation insurance quote, call (715) 478-2215 or send a message online.
