
No matter what time of year it is, one of the joys of coming home is retreating to a safe and comfortable environment. However, if your HVAC system isn’t functioning properly, you’ll spend more time compensating for its ineffectiveness and paying off higher energy bills. If you’ve been frustrated with the temperature of your living space, look out for the following issues before calling for air conditioning and heating repair.

3 Reasons Your Home Isn’t Heating or Cooling Properly

1. Pilot Light

If you’re currently heating your home with a gas furnace but haven’t been enjoying even, consistent warmth in every room, head down to the basement to check on the unit. Your furnace may include a pilot light, which is a constant, blue flame that ignites the burner. If your pilot light has turned yellow or gone out due to wind, dirt buildup, or a mechanical issue, your furnace won’t be able to provide adequate heat for long. You can always relight the pilot light, but you may need the help of an air conditioning and heating repair technician.

2. Thermostat

air conditioning and heating repairThe wall-mounted dial or touchpad you use to set the temperature throughout your home makes use of a smart, intuitive feature—it can feel the temperature in your home. When the temperature gets too high or low, the thermostat kick on your furnace or air conditioner to bring it back to your desired digit. However, if the thermostat is broken or crowded by furniture, it may not have the space it needs to read the temperature in the room, and it will give inaccurate commands to your HVAC system as a result.

3. Vents

If your home features central heating and air conditioning, it will deliver treated air to individual rooms by way of ductwork and release the air through vents. However, if your vents are blocked by furniture, decor, or electronics, they won’t be able to provide maximum airflow. In this case, you may not even need air conditioning and heating repair to feel comfortable—you’ll just have to do a bit of redecorating.


If you’re experiencing an unexplained HVAC problem, turn to Dockery's Electrical, Plumbing, Heating & Air of Cornelia, GA, for help. They have spent nearly 40 years catering to the technical needs of area property owners, and they’re proud to offer 24/7 emergency services when your concerns are urgent. To learn more about their air conditioning and heating repair skills, visit the website or call them at (706) 778-5304 to make an appointment.
