
Bats are a protected nocturnal species in the United States, which is why there are laws with strict guidelines on bat removal policies. These flying mammals are insectivores that help control the pest population by eating mosquitos and bugs that destroy crops. To learn more about this misunderstood critter, here is a brief overview of their life cycle.

Understanding the Life of a Bat


After anywhere from six weeks to six months of gestation, bats give birth in the late spring and early summer, typically between the months of May and July. Mothers will look for suitable homes to nurse their pups, such as caves, abandoned buildings, or attics. 


Bat pups nurse for the first few weeks of their lives and cling to the mother’s fur. At around five weeks old, they will begin to learn to fly and forage for insects. Pups will reach their full size at about two months of age; however, many bats do not live to maturity due to falling or flying accidents.


bat removal Male and female bats tend to stay separated until mating season, which takes place at the end of summer and in the early fall. Once the females become pregnant, they form a pregnancy colony, which is a smaller sub-section of the larger colony. 

Life Span

Unlike many other mammals their size, bats have an average life span of about 30 years and may even live up to the age of 40. Many of the bats that die young will do so during the course of their first winter. Mortality in older bats is lower thanks to their secluded nesting spots and nocturnal lifestyle.


Despite their importance, bats can damage your home, which is why it’s essential to contact a wildlife control professional for safe bat removal services. If you live in New Milford, CT, or the surrounding areas, put your trust in the team at American Bio-Tech Wildlife Services. The highly trained technicians boast a full suite of wildlife control services, including woodchuck, squirrel, raccoon, and bat removal. They specialize in humane animal removal and control techniques. Call (860) 355-1231 today to schedule bat removal or another animal control service. You can also visit them online to learn more about their list of services. 
