
When it comes to battling the early signs of aging, dermal fillers are some of the most effective—and popular—cosmetic treatments available. Containing both natural and synthetic components, these advanced formulas are gently injected into the skin to provide a powerful rejuvenating effect. Whether you want to plump sagging skin or smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, here are a few important details you should know about this stress-free anti-aging solution.

5 Interesting Tidbits About Dermal Filler Treatments

1. Not All Fillers Are the Same

Dermal filler treatments are all similar in that they are injected into the skin to provide an anti-aging benefit. However, it’s important to note that there are many formulas on the market—and some may be better than others at addressing your specific concerns. For example, Belotero® and Restylane® Silk are thin fillers that are designed to address fine lines, whereas Radiesse® and Juvederm® Voluma are thicker formulas that help lift sagging skin.

2. They Can Boost Collagen Production

Over time, the body produces less and less collagen—a protein that helps skin appear plump, smooth, and youthful. While many types of dermal fillers contain collagen to replace these lost proteins, some are also designed to help stimulate collagen production. This effect allows individuals to gain both short- and long-term rejuvenating benefits.

3. They Treat More Than the Face

dermal fillerMany are surprised to learn that dermal fillers aren’t just beneficial for facial restoration. Many products can also be used to address signs of aging that affect the ears, neck, or hands.

4. Results Are Long-Lasting

Although dermal fillers do not last forever, they still last for a considerably long period. Depending on the product you use, you can expect results to last for about six to 12 months. With regular upkeep, fillers may also provide a preventive, cumulative effect that gradually reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

5. They’re Safe & Produce Minimal Side Effects

As a minimally-invasive, non-surgical treatment, dermal fillers are highly safe and effective when performed by a trained and licensed professional. Unlike surgical procedures, these treatments require no downtime and produce little-to-no side effects. Common side effects can include temporary redness, bumpiness, or swelling.


When you want to explore all the benefits that dermal fillers offer, turn to the services of Del Campo Dermatology & Laser Institute in Miami Beach, FL. Recognized by both the American Academy of Dermatology and American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, Dr. Roberta Del Campo will introduce you to various filler options and help you find the right solution for your specific needs. In addition to fillers, this cosmetic specialist also offers Botox®, sunspot removal, and chemical peels to help reverse and prevent signs of aging. Visit this provider online to learn more about these treatment options. To schedule a stress-free consultation, call (305) 705-6675.
