
Despite their considerable strength and resilience, teeth are still vulnerable to a variety of issues, such as decay or overcrowding. At times, these issues can require tooth extractions to prevent further oral health complications, such as abscesses or gum disease. Here are a few indications that your dentist will need to extract a tooth. 

When Do Dentists Extract Teeth? 

1. Serious Decay

Skipping oral health habits, such as brushing for two minutes twice a day, flossing, eating a balanced diet, or seeing your dentist every six months for cleanings and checkups, can result in tooth decay. Food particles and oral bacteria will form decay-causing acids and plaque that only worsen if you don’t take care of your teeth. In extreme cases, decay can lead to gum disease.

Additionally, if a decayed tooth isn’t taken care of, the bacteria will eventually invade the inner tooth material made up of blood vessels and nerves, infecting it. While root canal treatments are often enough to save an infected tooth, sometimes the damage is so severe that extraction is the only option.

2. Overcrowding

tooth extractionOccasionally teeth grow into incorrect positions or shift within the mouth—especially if you never had braces or don’t wear your retainer—resulting in overcrowding. This issue makes brushing or flossing challenging, and can easily result in tooth decay because bacteria will have more crevices and grooves to flourish in. In addition, wisdom teeth can erupt and put pressure on other teeth—overcrowding your mouth—if they aren’t extracted.

3. Severe Injury

Facial trauma from a car accident or sports injury can loosen teeth or break them. If the damage is serious enough and the tooth cannot be saved with veneers, crowns, or bridges, extraction is often the only option. Wear a mouthguard when playing sports to protect your teeth and avoid injuries or extractions.  


If you have any of the above issues and need a tooth extraction, contact Diane M Evans DDS. This family dentist serves Monroe County, NY, and offers a welcoming dental office environment and personalized services. Call (585) 321-2460 today to schedule your appointment or visit her online to learn more about her tooth extraction services.
