
As your child’s adult teeth start to grow in, you might notice crowding, spacing, and misalignment. While these issues may seem concerning at first, orthodontics can eventually straighten your child’s smile. Since every child is different, this guide will help you understand when your child might start an orthodontic treatment like braces. 

When Should a Child Have Their First Orthodontic Evaluation?

orthodonticsIn general, children should have their first orthodontic evaluation around the age of seven. At this point, many of their adult teeth are coming in and their bite is starting to become more pronounced. In some cases, an orthodontic professional will recommend starting treatment with a corrective retainer before your child gets braces. They may also decide to wait several years before starting any treatment at all.

When Do Children Typically Get Braces?

On average, children will get braces between the ages of eight and 14. However, how early an orthodontist decides to place braces will depend on the severity of your child’s dental issues and how many baby teeth they still need to lose. An orthodontist may also recommend devices like palate expanders at some point during orthodontic treatment. Your dentist can determine if and when your child should get braces and how their dental needs affect this schedule. 


If you’re wondering whether your child needs braces, bring them to see the team at Kapolei Keiki Dental, who provide gentle pediatric dentistry and orthodontics for children of all ages. From routine cleanings to sealant treatments, these professionals offer a wide range of dental services to prevent cavities and monitor your child’s oral health. They also provide Invisalign® as well as ceramic and metal braces to straighten your child’s smile. To view a full list of services, visit them online. You can also call (808) 944-1020 to make an appointment today.
