
There’s a lot to think about in the aftermath of a loved one’s passing. From notifying family and friends to arranging funeral services, the immediate window of time following a loved one’s death can feel like a whirlwind. Trying to return to any sense of normalcy can be equally challenging, if not more so. It’s natural for going back to work to seem daunting, but the tips below may make this step a little easier.

5 Tips for Returning to Work After Bereavement

1. Know When to Go Back 

In addition to reviewing your company’s bereavement policy, you can establish a timeline that works for you. This could mean taking a couple of vacation days or unpaid leave (if it’s feasible for you). After seeing family and friends during funeral services, you may experience your loss in a whole new way. Thus, it’s important to make sure you’ve had time to grieve privately.

2. Be Prepared for Mixed Reactions

People often don’t know what to say when it comes to offering condolences. You may encounter abundant support from sources you wouldn’t have anticipated, whereas some colleagues you’d expect to attend funeral services may not have appeared. Even if you don’t get the support you need, HR reps and outside counseling are always available.

3. Decide What to Share

While it’s likely that co-workers will keep any questions to themselves during this difficult time, you should still decide ahead of time what you’re willing to share with others. Some people find comfort in opening up to work friends, while others may prefer to keep details to themselves. This is a completely personal decision and yours alone to make.

4. Take Regular Breaks

funeralComing off a personal tragedy, jumping back into a normal work routine can feel exhausting. You may find it difficult to focus and feel as if everything is moving too quickly. Anticipate feeling this way, and give yourself the freedom to take breaks — even if it’s just to the water cooler.

5. Ask for Help

Finally, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance from HR, your colleagues, or any other parties who may be able to help you transition back into your routine. Consider asking a peer to double-check your work if you feel uncertain at first. Your supervisor may also be able to provide some added flexibility with deadlines and goals. 


When Fairfield County, CT, residents need to prepare funeral services for themselves or loved ones, they turn to Fred D. Knapp & Son Funeral Home. As a trusted, family-owned and locally run facility, this funeral home has been respectfully honoring the lives of local residents since 1846. Their caring team can support your family through pre-planning or during your time of need through every step of the way. Learn about types of services online or call (203) 869-0315 to speak with a director.
