
You may have seen signs on roadways which read, “Slow Down or Move Over for Stopped Emergency or Maintenance Vehicles.” They signify a law which many states, including Ohio, have enacted to promote safety for city and state employees and the public. To help make the roads safer for all, local towing companies want to help you understand and follow this law. 

What Does It Mean?

The law is straightforward, mandating drivers slow down or move over to create a safety zone when in the vicinity of a stopped emergency or maintenance vehicle. This includes fire trucks, ambulances, and road maintenance machinery. You may slow down or switch to a further lane if there is one open and it’s safe to do so. Failure to do so may result in a ticket or, worse, a tragic accident.

Why Is It Important?

towingcompanyTragically, thousands of emergency responders, highway and road maintenance workers, towing company employees, and law enforcement personnel are harmed every year while on the job, and hundreds are injured or killed while stopped at the side of the road.

According to the state, an average of one law enforcement official, 23 highway workers, and five tow-truck operators are killed on the side of the road every month in Ohio. The law is in place to reduce accidents and protect these individuals, as well as others on the road, including people being treated in emergency vehicles or those in police custody. Slowing down or moving over also allows these individuals to do their job more efficiently, which is critical for public health and safety. 


By obeying the rules of the road, you can make Ohio a safer state. If you are involved in an accident, rely on the community’s most trusted towing company, Buckeye Riverside Towing, for help. Based in Cincinnati, OH, this local towing company offers 24/7 emergency towing, including heavy-duty recovery services for semis and other large vehicles. Call (513) 244-7200 to speak with a helpful team member or visit the website to learn more about their services. 
