
Dogs and cats are curious creatures, and it’s not uncommon for them to get into things they shouldn’t. In some cases, the bright colors and fresh fragrances of floral arrangements are enough to entice pets. However, eating plant-based substances could induce vomiting or gastrointestinal distress, which is why you should take proper precaution to keep your pets safe. Following the below steps will ensure you can use flowers to add warmth and cheeriness to your home without putting your four-legged family member in harm’s way. 

3 Tips to Keep Pets Away From Floral Arrangements

1. Choose the Flower Selection Wisely 

Although ingesting any plant material has the potential to make pets sick, there are some flowers that are particularly hazardous to animals’ health. Lilies, for example, are toxic to dogs and cats. Consuming the plant could cause a drop in blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, seizures, and more life-threatening concerns. Tulips can also make animals sick, with the highest levels of toxins located in the bulbs. Gnawing on the flowers could cause mood changes, such as depression, as well as physical symptoms of distress, including diarrhea and hypersalivation. Check to make sure plants are classified by the ASPCA as non-toxic to animals before bringing them into your home. 

2. Make the Taste as Unpleasant as Possible

Enterprise-Alabama-floral-arrangementSome flavors are unappealing to animals, and you can use this as a deterrent to chewing on floral arrangements. For example, pets don’t like the tart taste or pungent aroma of citrus fruits, so consider misting plants with lemon, lime, or orange juice. The smell of vinegar is also unappealing, but the acidity can kill the foliage. Instead of spraying vinegar directly on plants, douse cotton balls in the liquid and then place them on the soil of potted flowers or near the vase. The aroma is strong enough to keep animals away.

3. Keep Floral Arrangements Out of Reach

If pets can’t get to the floral arrangements, there’s little to no chance they can eat the vegetation. In homes with dogs, put the planters or vases on high shelves, out of reach. If you have cats, put the flowers in hanging planters far away from surfaces. This eliminates the risk of felines leaping off perches and knocking over the fixtures. 


If you want to use floral arrangements to add pops of color to your home, contact the team at Ivywood Florist. Based in Enterprise, AL, the shop carries beautiful posies for any occasion. The knowledgeable team can even recommend arrangements that are considered generally non-toxic to pets, such as those with orchids or baby’s breath. To learn more about their inventory, call (334) 347-7343, or visit the shop online to place an order today. 
