
If you're considering liposuction or already have a liposuction procedure scheduled, it can be helpful to know what to expect after you leave you doctor's office. Once you’re at home and recovering, taking care of yourself and setting realistic expectations are essential to your recovery. To help you do that, here are a few of the do’s and don'ts of liposuction recovery.


Start moving as soon as you feel ready.

In the hours following the procedure, you may not feel much like moving around. But as soon as you are able, start doing at least some small movements, like a short, easy walk around the house or gentle stretching. This will help reduce the chances of developing blood clots and will release endorphins to counteract any pain you might be experiencing.

Wear compression garments.

Your doctor will likely advise you to wear compression garments after the procedure, so be sure to make this a priority. Compression garments may feel constricting, but they are extremely beneficial. They can decrease swelling and aid the skin in contracting and healing.


Expect instantaneous results.

One of the biggest myths surrounding liposuction is that you will be noticeably thinner immediately following the procedure. For the majority of people, this is simply not the case. Swelling is the body's natural response to the inflammation caused by any surgical procedure, which means you can expect swelling for up to several weeks after liposuction.

Hesitate to ask questions.liposuction

If at any point during recovery you have questions or concerns, always contact your doctor. While liposuction is a safe and common procedure, not everyone's healing will be the same, nor will it happen on the same timeline. Your doctor can give you answers, allay concerns, and advise you on ways to further recovery.


Understanding some do’s and don'ts of liposuction will prepare you for the days and weeks following treatment. If you're thinking about getting liposuction, trust the professionals at Advanced Varicose Vein Treatments of Manhattan. In addition to liposuction, the New York City-based medical office provides a number of services, including treatment options for varicose veins, spider veins, and diabetic foot ulcers.To schedule an appointment, call (212) 204-6501, or visit their website—and don’t forget to follow them on Facebook and Twitter.
