
Your home’s central heating system is key to your family’s comfort this season. However, warm air can make your home feel dry, and as winter continues, increasing dryness may become irritating and uncomfortable. To combat this effect, many homeowners choose to install a whole-home furnace humidifier. Here are a few benefits this feature can provide your house and family.

3 Benefits of Home Furnace Humidifiers

1. Improves Comfort

Outdoor winter air can dry you out, causing chapped lips and irritated hands, and your home’s central heating shouldn’t exacerbate this discomfort. By installing a furnace humidifier, the air will feel warmer and more comfortable, making your home a refuge from the cold rather than another dry zone.

2. Boots Health

central heatingIf anyone in your home has asthma or allergies, dry air can worsen their symptoms. People who are sick with a cold or the flu, their lungs may take longer to recover. This because dry air limits mucus production in the nose and throat, hindering the body’s ability to eliminate the virus and control its spreading. When you increase humidity levels in your home, everyone can breathe easier, and you reduce the risk of respiratory infections.

3. Preserves Home Features

While too much humidity can lead to mold and mildew, some of your furniture, walls, and flooring depends on a steady level of moisture. Central heating can dry out wooded floors, doors, and furniture, resulting in cracks and costly repairs or replacements. If you have several wooden features in your home, be sure to install a furnace humidifier to balance moisture levels and protect their integrity.


To find home HVAC systems that fit your family’s needs, call the professionals at County Line Heating & Air Conditioning in Tulsa, OK. Their team of experienced professionals has been helping residents and businesses stay comfortable through every season for over 35 years. This locally owned and operated business also offers air conditioning and heating installation and repair. Their licensed technicians are familiar with all makes and models of central air systems and will provide routine inspections and maintenance to ensure your unit is working properly. Send a message online or call (918) 455-3463 to schedule an appointment.
