
If you own or manage a commercial building, there’s a great chance your property features a flat roof. These coverings are prone to different types of damage than traditional sloped roofs, so being aware of proper maintenance is crucial to keeping your building protected from the elements. To learn more about flat roof repair, consider the following answers to these frequently asked questions.

Your Questions About Flat Roof Repair, Answered

Why do flat roofs crack?

One of the common reasons for flat roof repair is alligatoring, or the formation of numerous cracks along the top of the roof that look like alligator skin. This happens because roofs lose elasticity over time, which makes the surface brittle and prone to cracking or bubbling.

What causes low spots?

flat roof repairBecause flat roofs aren’t slanted, snow, water, and debris sit right on top of them without sliding down. If left to sit there, the weight may become too heavy for your flat roof to bear, compromising its structural integrity. At this point, a depression may form, which will only allow more rain to collect in the bowl-like shape. Eventually, this could cause a flat roof to cave in.

What leads to poor drainage?

Without a built-in drainage system, the water and other elements that collect on top of your flat roof will remain there indefinitely. To fix this, you can have a drain installed in the center of the lowest part of your flat roof, which will collect the water and send it down to a drainpipe at the side of the building. It’s also important to have functioning gutters, which can catch water as it overflows over the top of the roof, and carry it safely away from the property.

What maintenance steps can I take?

To preserve your flat roof, you’ll have to be proactive in combating the elements. The best option is to have your commercial roof inspected at regular intervals, at least once a year. If you notice any cracks or depressions between inspections, call a professional to fix the problem before it warrants a full replacement. You may also be able to seal your flat roof to prevent water damage and mold growth.


If you’d like to learn more about protecting your commercial building, turn to A & M Contractors in Lincoln, NE. This fully licensed and insured company has offered flat roof repair and replacement services since 2002, and they back all their jobs with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. To learn more about what they can do for your property, visit the website or call (402) 890-2343 to speak to a knowledgeable contractor today.
