
If you’re looking for a fun way to reconnect with friends or spend date night with a partner, going out for cocktails at a lively bar is always a fun option. Although you could pair soda with spirits, try an elixir made with tropical fruit instead. Slices of fruit or the extracted juice will sweeten drinks and contain beneficial vitamins, minerals, and plant chemicals. If you’re unsure about what to order, here are a few popular fruits that will elevate the flavor profile of your selections. 

4 Tropical Ingredients to Try in Cocktails

1. Pineapple

Pineapples were first grown in Brazil, and Spanish and Portuguese natives and explorers soon introduced them to other parts of the world. Notably, Christopher Columbus encountered pineapple while exploring the island of Guadalupe in 1493. It came to Hawaii in 1813, where it was first commercially cultivated. By 1947, Hawaii produced 85% of the 12 million cases of canned pineapple produced globally. Today, 24.8 million tons are produced annually around the world. Beyond the tangy flavor, pineapple also contains hints of caramel, which helps it pair nicely with rum and other sweet spirits. 

2. Mango

Honolulu-Hawaii-cocktailsSome mangoes are similar in texture to soft plums while others are more reminiscent of firm cantaloupes. The fruit was first cultivated in India over 5,000 years ago. It’s so popular that its shape is used in paisley patterns, also developed in India. Mango trees need a tropical climate to thrive and can die when temperatures drop below 30 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s why they grow in warmer areas in the U.S., including Florida, California, and Hawaii. A great source of fiber and vitamins A and C, mango pairs well with lime, salt, and chili powder, so consider choosing a cocktail with these ingredients. 

3. Passion Fruit

Both the purple and yellow varieties of passion fruit have origins in Brazil. It also has deep roots in Australia, from where the purple seeds were brought to Hawaii in 1880. By 1930, the fruit grew in the wild throughout the islands. In 1951, cultivators in the region started producing a juice concentrate with the tropical fruit. Noted for its sweet and tart taste, passion fruit has fiber, niacin, phosphorus, protein, and potassium. It complements the taste of ginger, lemon, and mint cocktails. 

4. Papaya

Papaya has origins in southern Mexico and Central America and was introduced to Hawaii in the 19th century. Today, it is grown in many tropical and subtropical settings throughout the world. Hawaiian varieties are pear-shaped, have yellow skin, and weigh approximately one pound. Mexican varieties are much larger by comparison, typically over 15 inches long and weighing up to 10 pounds. The fruit is sweet and juicy, comparable to the flavor of cantaloupe. It pairs well with the tartness of pineapple and strawberry as well as the warm notes of nutmeg and ginger. 


If you want to try tropical fruits in cocktails, visit Hula's Bar & Lei Stand in Honolulu, HI. For over 42 years, visitors and locals have frequented the LGBT-friendly establishment for lively libations served in the Waikiki Beach setting. To inquire about the drink selection, call (808) 923-0669, or visit the Oahu gay bar online to see daily drink and happy hour specials.
