
If you want to stream any online music or video applications in your smart home theater, you’ll need to make sure your entertainment system is connected to the internet. Strong networking and Wi-Fi connections are crucial to achieving optimal performance, but how do you ensure you have the best set-up and what do these technologies entail? To shed light on the topic, here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions. 

Common Questions About Networking & Wi-Fi 

What is a wireless network?

A wireless local area network (LAN) utilizes radio waves to connect to devices in your home. From laptops and smartphones to your television, when you connect a device to the internet, you’re using your home’s network. Similarly, when you connect to Wi-Fi hotspots in public places like hotels or coffee shops, you’re connecting to that establishment’s network.

How can I prevent poor user experience?

Networking and WifiSlow streaming and download speeds can put a damper on your home entertainment experience. To get the most out of your networking and Wi-Fi connections, make sure you have the latest equipment and the bandwidth to support your devices. For instance, if you’re interested in streaming video, you’ll need higher speeds — typically 3 to 5 megabits per second (Mbps). General web surfing, email, and social media, on the other hand, only require about 1 Mbps. If you’re unsure what speed is best for your household, a professional technician will recommend a package based on the number of people and their internet habits. 

How do networking and Wi-Fi benefit my home entertainment system?

Networking and Wi-Fi give you the ability to control your home theater system directly from your handheld device. Professional technicians can set up advanced remote control technology through your smartphones or tablets, and if you’re connected to your home’s Wi-Fi, you can control your TV using your device. This gives every family member the ability to have a remote that’s personalized to their needs and preferences. 

How can I ensure my network is working optimally?

Configuring the networking and Wi-Fi for your custom home theater requires that you have the proper cabling infrastructure installed. That’s why it’s important to work with a professional team that can install your theater system and find ways to improve the Wi-Fi signal and processing speeds in your home.


If you want faster networking and Wi-Fi connections to improve your home theater experience, contact the experts at Premiere Home Theater. With locations in Cornelius and Charlottte, NC, their experienced team offers the latest advances in smart home technology including networking and Wi-Fi solutions, home lighting automation, and surround sound. They use LUXUL® products that are designed to ensure the fastest download speeds and highest quality internet possible. To learn more about their services, visit their website or call (704) 449-9448 to get started on your project today.
