
The beautiful glow of wood burning in a fireplace adds warmth and ambiance to any home. However, that cozy fire can quickly turn into a big problem if you do not take the proper precautions and burn wood the correct way. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with burning do’s and don’ts before scheduling your next seasoned firewood delivery.


Get Your Chimney Cleaned

Arrange chimney cleaning every spring or fall. Annual cleaning removes creosote, the residue of wood oils that have not burned off completely. Creosote is a toxic substance that irritates the eyes and respiratory system in addition to decreasing chimney efficiency by clogging it. Creosote also burns easily, creating a serious fire hazard.

Burn Seasoned Wood Only

seasoned firewoodUse only seasoned wood to create fires, as it burns quickly and produces more heat. It’s also easier to start fires with. Untreated wood, especially logs that are wet or full of sap, take a long time to start in addition to producing more smoke and less heat.

Learn How To Build A Fire

Educate yourself on correct fire building practices. One safe and efficient method is to place two bark-free logs parallel to each other in the fireplace and put kindling such as newspaper and twigs between them. Place two more logs over the original pieces in the style of a log cabin before lighting the kindling with long matches.


Leave The Fire Unattended

Never leave the fireplace unattended even if you have a screen in place. Burning ash from unattended fires can leap out into your home and set whatever is in its path on fire, such as a rug or piece of upholstered furniture.

Burn Anything Other Than Wood & Kindling

Refrain from burning anything other than seasoned firewood, twigs, and newspaper. Painted wood, for example, releases noxious fumes into your home that decreases its indoor air quality. The same is true of anything else that’s painted or features other chemical residue.

Store Your Wood Improperly

Store your seasoned firewood on pallets at least 20 feet away from your home to discourage termites from invading your residence. Cover the wood with a tarp or another applicable material while ensuring it is well-ventilated. This protects the firewood from the elements, so it stays dry and ready to burn.


Schedule seasoned firewood delivery from Jay’s Firewood & Mulch to keep the fire going all winter. Proudly serving the Greater Saint Louis, MO, region, this full tree service offers seasoned oak and hickory firewood for residential and commercial clients and guarantees delivery within 48 hours. Call (877) 492-2970 to set a delivery date or visit the team online for a complete list of services and products. Get more tips on Facebook.
