
While acne can be frustrating, there is no universal cure for all types of breakouts. This is why dermatologists customize treatments based on specific types of acne. Two of the most common blemishes that dermatologists see in patients are blackheads and whiteheads. This guide will break down the main differences between these types of acne and how you can avoid them in the future.

What Dermatologists Want You to Know About Blackheads & Whiteheads


Blackheads and whiteheads are types of comedones. They both form when a skin pore becomes clogged with oil and dead skin cells. In some cases, the pore remains closed and forms a whitehead. This blemish, which is a microscopic opening, will appear as a small bump that is white at the top. If this clogged pore opens more, the substance inside will become oxidized and turn black.


dermatologistBefore you treat any type of acne at home, it’s necessary to see a dermatologist. They will assess your specific skin before recommending an over-the-counter product or prescribing a treatment. A dermatologist can also extract the clogged pores.

Since blackheads and whiteheads are both caused by clogged pores, your dermatologist will treat them similarly. For some patients, this can include a change to your at-home skincare routine with OTC products like benzoyl peroxide; others will require retinoids to increase cell turnover. In some cases, doctors will prescribe antibiotics, topical treatment, or Accutane to control breakouts.


Your dermatologist can give you some specific tips to prevent the formation of blackheads and whiteheads in the future. Some common ways to prevent these breakouts is to wash your face twice per day, avoid touching your face, and always use an oil-free moisturizer. And, when a blemish pops up, refrain from popping or over-scrubbing it. When your doctor recommends a skin care regimen, stick with it, and avoid adding other products.


If you have been struggling with whiteheads, blackheads, and other types of acne, it’s time to see a dermatologist. For patients in Miami Beach, FL, the professionals at Del Campo Dermatology & Laser Institute can help find a solution to your skin concerns. Dr. Roberta Del Campo will work with you to target and treat your specific type of acne or skin condition, helping you feel your best. She also offers chemical peels, laser treatments, dermal fillers, and skin cancer treatment. To view a full list of her services, visit her online today. You can also call (305) 705-6675 to make an appointment today.
