
If you want to excel at work and make the most of every hour on the clock, there are a few simple strategies for doing so. Regardless of your field, current position, or career trajectory, you can achieve peak performance by using your time wisely to maximize motivation, concentration, and creativity. While in-depth leadership training will provide industry-specific methods for doing so, the following tips apply to virtually everyone. 

How to Stay Productive as a Peak Performer

1. Quit Multitasking 

Multitasking might seem like the key to maximum productivity, but in reality, it’s one of the biggest deterrents to achieving peak performance. Researchers have determined that trying to complete multiple tasks simultaneously takes 40% more time than focusing on one individual responsibility at a time. Additionally, those who multitask make more mistakes and remember fewer details than those who don’t.

2. Eliminate Distractions

You may have little control over your work environment, but there are still ways to minimize distractions during crunch time. For example, you can turn off e-mail notifications and put your phone in airplane mode when a particular project demands intense focus. Closing your office door is also an effective way to prevent interruptions. 

3. Take Frequent Breaks

leadershipThe modern workplace values employees who sit at their desk all day and work diligently for hours. After about 90 minutes of intense concentration, though, most people need a break. The brain is most productive when it gets to toggle between focusing on the task and hand and wandering. In other words, if you don’t take frequent breaks throughout the workday, your brain will be fried by the time 5 o’clock rolls around—and much of the work you did all afternoon will likely be subpar. 


To help every member of your team achieve peak performance, turn to Colorado Leadership Institute | Crestcom. Based in Highlands Ranch, businesses throughout the Denver area rely on their leadership specialists for management training programs and interactive workshops designed to boost productivity. Check out their website to learn how investing in leadership training for your team will improve your bottom line or call (720) 515-8081 to schedule a consultation. 
