
Cold and flu season is upon us, and all members of the family run the risk of getting sick this time of year. From playing with friends to attending day care, children come into contact with their peers more than any other age group, and they’re also among the most vulnerable populations for developing flu complications. To keep them protected against viruses and infections this winter, here are a few practical tips to follow.

5 Ways to Prevent Illness in Your Child This Season

1. Get Plenty of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is often credited for being a natural cold remedy. The nutrient supports a healthy immune system, which is responsible for warding off viruses and bacterial infections. To ensure your child takes in enough of this critical vitamin, serve fruits like strawberries, oranges, and pineapple, as well as vegetables such as broccoli.

2. Get Enough Rest

Sleep has a strong impact on the immune system, so it’s crucial for children to stay well-rested to avoid catching illnesses. In a structured day care setting, down time and naps are often part of a child’s daily routine. However, it’s also important your child is maintaining a healthy sleep schedule at home, too. Enforce the same bed time every night to prevent sleep deprivation.

day care3. Wash Hands

Children are often encouraged to wash their hands during day care. Make sure that this practice is followed at home, as well. Encourage them to wash their hands in warm water with anti-bacterial soap regularly throughout the day, and encourage additional cleanings before eating, after going to the bathroom, and after playing with animals. You can also carry hand sanitizing gel for convenient use while on the go.

4. Encourage Hygiene & Manners

When children wipe their runny nose rather than blow it into a tissue or neglect to cover their cough or sneeze, it allows germs to spread. Even with a simple touch of a doorknob or handshake, colds and viruses and be transferred. Encourage your child to cover their mouths and use tissues as needed to prevent the spread of germs to other family members and peers.

5. Avoid Close Contact With Sick People

While it may be common knowledge, sick people can spread viruses and common colds through close contact with others. Certain illnesses are airborne, meaning they don’t even require direct contact to be contracted. It’s therefore important to teach your child to avoid sharing personal items, such as straws and cups, especially with someone who may be ill.


Children’s wellness is the utmost priority at Christian Chapel Day Care. Serving La Crosse County, WI, this day care center prides itself on maintaining a safe and sanitary environment where children can receive an enriching and faith-based education. Find out more about the school’s curriculum and philosophy by visiting their website, and call (608) 783-5722 to inquire about enrollment.
