
During the rainy months of spring and fall, you probably expect your home’s drainage system to carry on without a hitch. However, the ice and snow of winter can present challenges to your gutters in particular. To ensure your property remains a well-oiled machine year-round, use the following guide to protect your gutters in the coming months.

A Brief Guide to Winter Gutter Care

1. Gutter Cleaning

guttersOne of the most prominent causes of gutter problems at any time of year is blockages, which can prevent the channels from sending runoff away from your roof and foundation. Even if you were diligent about removing leaves and twigs from your gutters during the fall, it’s crucial to double-check your drainage system throughout the winter. Otherwise, leftover leaves, animals seeking shelter, or stubborn blocks of ice could force melting snow to pool on your roof and create leaks.

2. Realignment

The harsh winds, hail, and sleet that accompany the colder months can do a number on your property’s exterior, including the drainage system. In fact, the average blizzard is more than capable of pulling gutters away from your property or connecting downspouts. If this happens, melting snow won’t be able to follow the carefully designed drainage path, and will instead pool around your home’s foundation and making water damage inevitable.

3. Gutter Guard Installation

As animals and pests seek protection from the harsh winter conditions, there’s a strong chance they’ll find shelter in your drainage system. Unfortunately, this could start the dreaded snowball effect that begins with clogged gutters and ends with property damage. To prevent critters and inanimate objects from landing in your gutters in the first place, talk to a contractor about installing guards. These perforated pieces will allow water to flow in while keeping large objects out.


If you’re looking for assistance in caring for your property’s drainage system this winter, turn to Bel-Aire Home Improvement of Platteville, WI. Their trusted team is proud to serve the entire Tri-State area, offering 24/7 emergency services for roofing, gutters, siding, and other essential structural elements. For more information on their offerings, visit their website. You can also call them at (608) 348-­2381 for a free estimate.
