
There’s nothing like a fresh, warm slice of pizza. And fortunately, because of its size, it can often last for more than one meal. While some people crave the taste of cold pizza, reheating your pie is often the best option for optimal flavor. The following guide explores the most common reheating techniques to ensure you’ll achieve the tastiest slices.

How to Reheat Pizza Correctly

What Are Your Options? 

When it comes to warming up your pizza, you have a few options. The most popular method is the microwave. It requires the least amount of time and effort, making it ideal for people on the go. You can throw a few slices on a plate and heat it up for 30 seconds to 1 minute, depending on your appliance’s wattage. You can also heat your leftovers in a skillet. This way works well if you only have a single piece left, though it does take a bit longer than the microwave. Just place a lid over the top in order to fully heat the cheese and toppings, and you’ll have a nicely reheated slice.

The final way to warm up homemade pizzayour pizza is in the oven. This technique will take the longest, so make sure you have enough time for your oven to preheat and adequately heat your pie. Set the temperature to 350°F, then either place your slices on a baking sheet, foil, or pizza stone. If you’re not worried about the mess, you can even put the slices directly on the rack for the most equal heating. This method should take about five minutes once the pizza is in the oven. 

What Is the Best Method?

Your method of choice may depend upon your time constraints, but in terms of taste, the oven is the overall winner. Microwaves tend to blast leftovers with high heat in too short of a timespan, leaving you with a hard crust and rubbery cheese. The skillet is a close runner-up to the oven, with its only shortcoming being its inability to make meat toppings sizzle. If you’re dining on a veggie or cheese pizza, however, that factor won’t be an issue for you. Ovens heat pizza slowly and evenly, making your slices just as delicious as the day you ordered them. If you have time to wait, this option will give you the best results.


When you order homemade pizza at Wayne’s Family Restaurant in Oconto County, WI, you’ll have leftovers worth waiting for. Their mouthwatering pizzas are made with the highest quality ingredients, and you can choose from one of their fan-favorite specialty pies or create your own with your favorite toppings. No matter how you reheat it, you’ll be eager to go back for more. Visit them online to browse their appetizing selection of sandwiches, all-day breakfast options, house specials, and award-winning pies. To talk to a friendly member of the team, call (920) 835-4262 today.
