
The loss of a spouse can be overwhelming, particularly for seniors who have spent decades in partnership. If an elderly loved one recently lost their spouse, the following caregiver-approved recommendations can help ensure your friend or family member can cope with the loss of their spouse. 

4 Ways to Help an Elderly Loved One Cope With Losing a Spouse

1. Schedule Frequent Visits

Depression and isolation are common with senior citizens who lose their spouse. To ensure your loved one remains connected to their extended family and community, schedule visits for yourself and family members. Take your loved one to dinner, chat over coffee, or take a stroll around a park. Scheduling fun activities such as going to the movies is a great way to boost their mood. 

2. Avoid Major Changes in Routine

While coping with grief, making big adjustments to their daily routine can feel overwhelming. As such, avoid performing serious tasks such as donating their spouse’s items and rearranging the house until your senior loved one is ready to do so. By being a shoulder to lean on and practicing patience, your friend or family member can make the transition on a realistic timeline. 

3. Find an In-Home Care Solution

CaregiverAfter losing a spouse, it can be difficult for your elderly loved one to maintain their household. Certain tasks such as managing medication, preparing meals, and cleaning can be a challenge depending on how much they relied on their partner. To ensure their home remains safe, tidy, and welcoming, find a dedicated senior companion. With a caregiver visiting your loved one on a regular schedule, they’ll receive assistance with daily activities and maintain social interactions with a friendly individual. 

4. Stay in Communication With the Caregiver

In addition to calling and visiting your loved, schedule routine communication with their in-home caregiver. This way, if you’re unable to visit your elderly family member’s home on a regular basis due to distance or your work schedule, you’ll have an understanding of their coping progress. 



Polish Helping Hands has been providing dedicated in-home care services for residents throughout Hartford County, CT, for over 20 years. If you’re looking for a compassionate caregiver who is fluent in Russian or Polish, call this senior companion organization today at (860) 404-0499 to discuss your needs. For more information on their home care services and the benefits of employing a caretaker to assist with the daily activities of life, visit their website
